Better Ground

We Can Help

We Can Help

In Your Yard

Better Ground offers ideas and incentives for creating a home, yard, and/or garden that is good for you, your family, and the environment. Learn from other homeowners how to make your landscape easier to care for and more enjoyable.

We can help with:
Rain Gardens | Rain Catchment

On Your Land

Better Ground is here to help, no matter your property type whether it's farmland, pasture, streamside, shoreline, forested, or anything in between! We can work together to create a property that is more enjoyable and chore efficient.

We can help with:
Renewable Energy/Solar | Sound Horse Keeping | Farm Assistance

In Your Community

Better Ground is about building communities. We can all affect change ~ and where better than with your friends and neighbors? Contact us to help engage your school, apartment, place of worship, or other community group in conservation projects!

We can help with:
Depave Puget Sound